COVID19 Adventure Trek
Date of Trek: May 2 - 3 2020
Spring typically finds us revving up plans to head out to a trailhead and a multi-day and night backcountry trek….and 2020 was no different other than the fact that we found ourselves embroiled in a global pandemic which basically had the following impacts on adventure plans.
No airplanes (well kinda…but seriously, who wants to sit in a box of recirculated air with 100 possibly contagious strangers for 3+ hours?
Borders closed.
Safer-At-Home Orders: As in…stay at home - don’t travel unless “essential”. Thought about that “essential” word since trekking is needed for sanity - but doubt that would make sense to everyone.
Here’s what you need to know
The “Plan”
The plan hatched quickly. Why not just grab all our gear and do a trek basically in our back yard? Full Send including maps, food, tents, water & whiskey (see the video for where THAT showed up!).
The Fun
This hike was as much about making fun of ourselves as just the time together. Seriously, the “trailhead” is like less than a mile from our house…and as we unloaded and paced through typical pre-hike banter - we had as much fun watching other people watch us…as anything. As we passed other locals on the trail, we made like we had been hiking for days and nobody…not one…did anything other than give a glance and keep on walking, when we fully knew (okay, suspected) that they were like…”Did you see those guys with the backpacks? They must be lost…must be wierd…like who would backpack through this park???!” It was even funnier when we left the park and hiked through the neighborhood past people as they were mowing their grass, taking groceries from their car or just hanging out on their porch.
The Reward
Awesome scenery? No. Wildlife sightings? Nope. Bonfire reflections, jokes and a few laughs. Heck yeah.
What’s next?
Plans are in the making for a Colorado trip this Labor Day. Just need to psych up for getting on a plane.