
Providing inspiration for adventures.

FourBrothersGear is inspired by trips taken with my four boys. We’ve literally traveled all over the world, yet still have so many places to go. Along the way we’ve established traditions, grown in our appreciation for our culture and those we have visited…..and also had both equipment “fails”, fascination and inspiration for gear that will go the distance. You know the feeling … the great gear you never leave home without, the gear you wish you could have as well as gear you dream up as in “wouldn’t it be great if only this gear could do ….?

Backcountry: Features backpacking and travel destinations we’ve been on. including travel logistics, campsite recommendations and highlights based on our experience.

Gear: Check this page out for in-depth reviews of equipment such as hiking shoes, jackets, trekking poles, med kits and camp essentials.

Helping Kids in Guatemala: I am passionate about helping others - not just with gear reviews and backpack destinations! This page is a link to a current volunteer effort I am involved in for kids in Quetzaltanango Guatemala. Please check this page out and join in the effort. The needs are great - you can help make a positive difference!